Monday, August 16, 2010

How do I treat my brother now after he kicked me out of his house?

Last night, my brother asked me to leave his house. I had planned a 56 Anniversary dinner for our parents but sadly my brother decided to go to the Wake of a neighbor/friend instead. This isn't even someone he hung out with, just someone they saw at functions.

Anyway, I said that I thought they should go to our parents dinner %26amp; he said ';You're kidding right? You can leave now'; so I left. I called 10 minutes later %26amp; apologized %26amp; we have set the dinner for 2 wks from now.

He ';accepted'; my apology but I can tell he is still mad. Actually, now I'm getting hurt that he didn't say he was sorry for asking me to leave his house.

My question is how do I treat him now? We are going to run into each other b4 the dinner. I'm still really hurt he would be so dramatic %26amp; ask me to leave. I've done a lot for him in the past. Knowing him, he's not going to apologize though. How do I act now????How do I treat my brother now after he kicked me out of his house?
Treat him as if nothing happened. It will drive him crazy thinking that this doesn't bother you. What he did was wrong but I doubt he will ever that. He's toxic...let him go.How do I treat my brother now after he kicked me out of his house?
you still bro. %26amp; sis. so take it easy and just go with it, talk to him and tell him that you are really sorry and that you want to make sure you guys are good. treat him as you always would and all is gonna be good
didn't sound like your brother kicked you out of the house....sounds more like a misunderstanding....if you took his statement of ';you can leave now'; as him telling you he didn't want you in the house ...that's on you....seems like you still have your panties in a twist about the situation.....time to let it go now....and start looking forward to the coming celebration ...rather then focusing on something you cant do anything about...
Explain to him how you feel about this.Maybe when he sees that you are hurt he will soften up and apologise. If that doesn't happen well then just treat him like you normally would.Hes your brother and I'm sure that you love him with all his little flaws.

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