Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can i get a white guy to??

like me?i'm a black girl used to go to a school and live in an area (diff country) with more blacks and i'd always get hit on but when i came here, nothing.

even someone wosre looking than me (and no, im not vain, believe me-im actually low self-esteem) would get a really hot guy over me.How can i get a white guy to??
'i never get any attention even if i wear short skirts no one cares.'

... OK...

The problem is you are not being yourself. You are trying far too hard by the sounds of it you are desperate.

You can't MAKE anyone like you: black or white. Also focusing on one race only never helps. That's a bit shallow, you are essentially doing no better what those guys are doing too.

so the only advice I can give is be natural: both on the exterior and the interior and someone is bound to gravitate towards you in good time.

Don't have low self esteem either because they won't exactly come running.

And about the uni thing yeah people tend to be more accepting of race when you get there. Though it would be hypocritical of you to think you are being hard done to at school for being a black girl when all you care about is white guys. You are placing just as much value on race as those guys.

All the best xxxHow can i get a white guy to??
I'm sry about that low self-esteem problem. My friend who I

admits that he really likes black women (and luvs me lol) says that he thinks almost every white guy has that black girl fantasy, but r 2 afraid to approach black women. Thats why sometimes u have to do the approaching. I live in the most racist state (Pa) and I'm not lying, white guys look at me ALOT, so mayb its not ur enviroment...

stop chasing them bcuz its creepy and weird to chase after a specific race...and guys can notice that

i agree with the coming to Australia comment, im a Muslim and i have non Muslim friends, down here most people don't judge you on the colour of your skin or your religious backgrounds, we just accept people as they are.

don't worry too much about not being looked at, if you walk with confidence then people will start to notice.

all the best :)
unless you find a decent guy, they're probably all racist pricks. and on the whole 'worse looking people get hotter guys' i get the same except with girls, all the hot girls at my school are going out with ugly stoner fags. its bizarre.
I suggest you Turkish guys,welcomes you..

but first you must elongate your skirts for abled to walking in streets.
come to australia, there are more ';colour-blind'; guys here, we like girls for their personality :)
Try hitting on them

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