Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you deal while someone you care about is on the road?

Its been a bit less than a year since he started touring, and I feel like I'm becoming better at it? Yes, I do get to see him every few months, but its still hard. (We're not official) How do you deal with missing the person, with the fear of other girls/groupies? All of those things? I'd really appreciate the help....or even just someone I could talk to about all this who's either there/been there.

ThanksHow do you deal while someone you care about is on the road?
It's very tough. I live in a military town and the military wives have groups to get together and help each other through it.

I mean it really depends on the trust. Living far away from your spouse makes it much easier to cheat. You just have to know he isn't. You have to feel secure in that. You call each other and spend a bit of time connecting each day. Sometimes it's easiest with email as band members are usually free during the day while their spouse may be at work. Then when the spouse gets home, is when the band member is starting work. With email, you can spend at least a bit of time each day reading and responding. You have to keep up with what is going on in each other's lives.

And of course occasionally do a surprise trip to see him. Find a cheap flight and go visit him for 3 days on the road--even though it means traveling from northern California down the coast and flying back to your house from San Diego. But those 3 days really make a relationship.

Long distance relationships are always difficult. Especially when you aren't even official you don't have any say over what he does and who he sees. You just have to have boundaries and know that when you are separate you are both following whatever boundaries the two of you have set in place.

Good luck!

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