I have an issue at my apartments. It seems that either everyone that lives above me does not know how to walk or we have very poor insulation in our apartments. I have lived in apartments before and did not have this problem.
My last neighbors moved out because of this. There were 4-5 of them living there and I could only hear one of them (walking). That person was not very big though and they even said they didn't know how they could be any quieter. Now I have new neighbors (5 in this famly) and I can hear one of them (everywhere they walk). I can literally follow the same path they take just by listening to their every step. Thump, thump, thump all day and into the night. At the same time I can hear conversations, T.Vs, laughter, drawers opening, closet doors opening, even someone moving around in the bathtub, dishes being washed (by hand or machine).
Don't get me wrong, these apartments are only a few years old and are quite expensive.
My question is who do I talk to? The managment or the neighbors. The last time I started with the neighbors and ended up going to management. This only got my neighbors in trouble. I don't want that to happen if it's not their fault. But I am a student and need to study. I try at night (after 10:00) but most of the time they are up to midnight. I can't study with he TV or radio so that don't help and I can't move. Any suggestion.Loud neighbors v/s poor quality apartments
I live on the highest floor and I always wonder if the neighbors below can hear me. I would definitely go to the manager, it sounds like they need to update the floors, and especially since the rent is so expensive, you might consider relocating. I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances and hopefully the manager will correct the problem. Loud neighbors v/s poor quality apartments
Talk to the management. You are paying a lot of money. Tell them it is too loud in your apartment. If that doesn't work, start looking for another place to live and see if you can get out of the lease. (Find a building made of concrete.)
It sounds like you're apartment is poorly installed. I would talk to management see if you can be moved to the top floor?
It is hard to tune out noisy neighbors. I suggest some light background music while you are studying. At night, turn on a fan. The droning may help over come the upstairs noise. Your only other alternative is to find a better place.
Who do you talk to? Another apartment, your not cemented there it is an apartment.
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