Do you think I should smoke weed? I mean, I've never done drugs before, smoked, or drank before. I'm a junior in high school and alot of my friends seem like they do it. They talk about it and it seems so fun. It doesn't even seem addictive. They say they aren't addicted. They describe how you can be so calm and chilled out on weed. They also tell adventures of when they were high and how they hotboxed and stuff.
I can just imagine blazing up, like I'm disappearing in a fire, never to be seen again until the high calms down. Sounds so cool. I would just blaze and blaze all day.
One of my buddies says he was high 65 percent of the time during the summer and how he had alot of cool times. Even someone who I thought was incorruptible and unafflictable by the weed plant blazes up every week! Wow. It seems like everyone I know has tried it or done it.
One of my pals who was a straight A student smokes weed EVERYDAY and is completely normal. Wtf?
I've heard so many things about marijuana that I don't know what is true. Some say it causes cancer, others say it doesn't. Some say it kills brain cells, yet great scientists have smoked the herb.
I also have seen those ';Above the Influence'; commercials. They're government attempts to stop the war on drugs.
Many great people have smoked the herb. EVEN THOMAS JEFFERSON SMOKED THE HERB!!
You know that all those tobacco plantations you heard about in history books? Well, a lot of those were marijuana plantations cultivated by the Washington Elite. I can only imagine George Washington and Thomas Jefferson toking up with the finest grass straight from the earth...
My friend has homegrown weed that he grows in his massive backyard.
He'll hook me up with some. If I smoke it.
I mean, it just seems so fun to do.
Has anyone smoked the plant before? Has anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks!I'm thinking about smoking weed...getting high with my friends... Should I do it?
The first thing is to do your research. Don't read government crap. Go try and find an non-biased source. I know thats hard to find so at least read both sides of the story and realize that neither is completely correct.
Second make sure its something you want to do. Weed is cool and all but you don't want it taking over your life. Never ever use it or anything to block out a bad situation. That's how addictions start. Don't feel pressured by your friends it needs to be your decision.
Third, everyone takes to things differently. In my experience weed is mentally addictive. Some people are more inclined to let if take over their life than others.
In my personal opinion you should always leave time between smoking. Don't smoke everyday for a month. You're not going to want to stop. Make sure you always do it in a safe place. It not only keeps you safe but makes it more enjoyable. Don't get in a car. Even if your friends say they can drive it ruins the high cause you are constantly looking out for cars. It sucks especially for the driver. So be courteous to you fellow stoners. Don't let anyone get behind the wheel. It's only fun if everyone is enjoying the high. Just be aware as well. If you find yourself smoking a lot take a break. It will only be better after a week or even a month off.
With that said it is definitely not good for you. I believe it is better for you the alcohol but seriously lesser of two evils. Anything that alters your mind isn't really good for you. My philosophy: moderation is key.
good luck,
peaceI'm thinking about smoking weed...getting high with my friends... Should I do it?
First of all smoking weed is awesome i know from experience. but i lost my GF and i am a lot dumber. I did the smart thing and went to rehab and my life is all good now.
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haha dude **** these guys. if you wanna do it then do it. I dont do it, but im not aginst it in anyway, i think they should legalize it. but before you go get stoned, maybe you should get wasted. Dude your a Junior in Highschool. do it, have fun, its highschool man =] Im a freshman, but stiff
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it will ruin your life so don't do it
NO!!!!!!!!!! IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you want to ruin your life and health, do it.
no dont do it,
it will rot your brain.
and decrease your brain function
never do it it will get you to no where and will make you feel suckish
Yeah. I've smoked it before. Actually, I've smoked it a lot. It has been a while but that is only because I don't have the extra money to buy any and I'm not currently hanging around anyone who does. I prefer the Indica to the Sativa. There are those who will say that it will cause a lack of motivation and all of that. Maybe. Depends upon what your relative definition of motivation is. Are you going to be able to do better at tasks which are fixed? Like math? Most likely not. Are you going to perform better at abstract tasks? You better believe it. Creativity. People are interesting because they only tend to judge things from their own experiences and perspectives. They like to think that everything is the same for everyone else as it is for themselves. Did you know that there have actually been some recent studies which suggest the opposite of killing brain cells? Of actually assisting in the growth o new cells? Should you do it? That's up to you. I like it. If someone handed me a joint, a blunt, or whatever right now, I'd hit it.
If you are smoking it only because your friends are doing it, then don't.
If you are genuinely curious, go ahead. But remember it is illegal. Also, you are still physically %26amp; biologically young. Your body is still developing. So limit any recreational drugs or alcohol. Also, do not smoke before or during school hours. Mental retention is shot to pieces when you're stoned, and ideally you will want to remember what you learn in school.
I smoked a lot when I was younger. I do not advocate smoking a lot, but if you can do it like social drinking, you will be ok. Needless to say, NO driving or any other physically risky behavior whether stoned or drinking.
Also, the weed that Washington or Jefferson might have smoked was much much weaker than today's grass. Since the late 60s, drug-dealing botanists have cross-bred various types of marijuana to produce some strains of VERY STRONG grass. Some of the more powerful modern versions will knock you for a loop after only one toke.
It is not physically addicting, but you can get emotionally addicted to anything.
So if you're going to do it, take it one step at a time. And at your age (again, biologically...) you shouldn't be high 65% of the time, or 50% or even 25%... enjoy within reason.
Uh, don't smoke weed because your friends do it. If you have any feelings of doubt and low confidence about it (like I think you do now), you should either wait or not do it. Honestly, you want to start smoking weed because it will give you stories to tell? Maybe you should think of ways that you can improve your life without drugs. If something is missing you should figure it out instead of attempting to fill it with drugs- that's the problem most of my friends have had. As far as the actual drug goes, it's not that bad for you, I'm just saying that there's more to it than what it does to your health. If this is about your self confidence and ';fitting in';, you need to rethink this.
Wow, you go ahead and try that, do something stupid, get caught by authorities, get thrown in jail and then see how cool it is to smoke the reefer. Its all the high school ideal. Don't get sucked into peer pressure, be smarter than that. But if you say all your friends do it, you probably don't have a chance and are already too far gone. So even if you do fight it off for a while, its still gonna come get you.
First let me say that I have smoked my share of weed when I was younger. I concluded that smoking weed accomplishes little or nothing. You are curious about this because your friends are doing it. Everyone wants to be accepted by others. That is human nature.
From my experience all smoking weed does is takes away all your motivation to do the things you should ( or could ) be doing. That includes homework, chasing girls, playing sports or video games, etc. There are many other ways of being calm and chilled out without wasting your time on weed. Good Luck.
I'm a sophomore in high school, and I smoke weed. There's nothing wrong with it unless you smoke it every single day and use it to help you with your problems. My friends and I smoke it because it makes you hallucinate and laugh and it's just funny to see people geek out. A lot of people think it's terrible until they actually do it, and then they realize how much fun it is. Just don't make it a part of your every day life. It won't hurt you to try it at all. :) It's fun.
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