Friday, August 20, 2010

What would you do if you love someone?

what would you do if you love someone so much, you think about her from the moment that you wake up....until the moment that you sleep and you always wish you could dream about her every night...

but you know she has seen someone...she is with someone....even when she treats you still deeply in love with her.....

it has been two can't call her, you can't text her, you can't really get a chance to talk to her.......but whenever you get a chance to be with her..or have a chance of a glance of her from far...even just 5minues......that's would really make your day...

is that true love? True Love is to let go someone that you love?

how to forget someone that you really would you do if you love someone?
its really hard but it could just be desire to have someone who is not yours and you could be mistaken it for love, anyway even if its love you are only hurting yourself better if you forget her and find someone who can love you backWhat would you do if you love someone?
True love is when u cannot live on this earth without that person. You are always thinking about them.You just cant see yourself without them.You can't really love someone you've never experienced their personality,or their style of living.

If you love someone you can't forget them. Even if you get married and have 6 gotdamn kids. You can't let them go, with just a thought. If you can continue your life with another person,and that all work out well....then you were never in love.

Yes you can love someone and let them go,because there is huge difference between love,and being in love.
true love is when you are happy that they are happy, even if that means they are not with but are with someone else and when they are sad you are sad and your love for them only grows stronger.

its when you cant live without them and its like the complete you often wonder how you lived without them in your life before.

its when they can change how they look on the outside and it wudnt matter because of the person they are on the inside.

true love- when your heart is full of pure love for them
That's beautiful.

You should explain to her everything you've just written.

Despite the fact she treats you badly, no girl hates being flattered.

Theres a boy who tells me this, and I think about him every second of the day,

best of luck.
Go look for her and tell her how much you love her... because you will never forget her.
You just can' always try.........

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