Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My b.f. and I get very jealous of each other when it comes to finding other people attractive, as all couples do. We want to be very honest with each other. So i was wondering if there was a technique that some people use, married couples that means you specifically. Even someone who has had a long term relationship before, i could really use some ideas please. Give me as many as you can, i would appreciate it greatly, you have no idea.HOW TO GET RID OF JEALOUSY.?
I reckon you'll get some average answers and some good ones. But what I am suggesting is a radical one. Osho once said that Jealousy is the shadow of sex. You can read what he said here:鈥?/a>

If you can follow his advice, you'll never be jealous again. HOW TO GET RID OF JEALOUSY.?
try growing up and stopping the childish behavior as soon as possible. if not now then never. you won't last too much longer. if you have love for each other, things will have to change now.
u never do... sumtimes it gets worse, it jst means u love himmm
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