Monday, August 16, 2010

What would you do if someone was beating your 2 year old to a bloody pulp?

I cannot even believe someone has it in them to do such cruel things to their own flesh and blood but I know it happens daily. Please I am not really upset at the mom. I know it is hard to be in an abusive relationship and be afraid of someone but for me no matter who or how big I would have gotten a knife..the biggest one in my kitchen and I would have stopped the beating with the first hit. I don't care if I spend the rest of my life in jail. I could not just stand there and scream while my baby or any baby for that matter is getting beaten so badly that they are in a coma and on life support. I don’t have guns in my home but if I did I would not hesitate shooting someone either to stop them but I don’t so yes I would get a big sharp knife and stab him of course not to kill him but to just inflict serious pain. I hope this guy gets it good in prison by his fellow inmates.What would you do if someone was beating your 2 year old to a bloody pulp?
I heard about it on the news earlier. The little girl died. I didn't hear anything about the man going to prison, just that he's been sectioned in a mental health institute. That's what they call justice apparently, it's pathetic

Sorry to say it, but I wouldn't feel too sorry for the mother. Apparently she doesn't feel hatred for him, she's just ';deeply concerned'; about him ...What would you do if someone was beating your 2 year old to a bloody pulp?
I'd knife the bastard before he laid a finger on my daughter
I'm sorry that this event happened.

It must be bothering you very much for you to bring it up on this site.

Please remember that the first rule of journalism is that ';bad news sells papers.';

I seem to remember a statistic that in the USA, three children are killed by their parents each day.

Oppression is passed down. People who were oppressed oppress others.
Oh my God, I would have killed the man if I was the mom. I could not sit there and let it go on.

God Bless that little girl!
I would find an object to hit that man with and call the police.
You are not saying why you or how you knew about this child abuse?

Why did you not call the police if you knew this was going on?

I am a little confused with your above statement.
I'd pull there eyes out of their head and shove them down their throat...and then if I really got upset.......
Man....I do not know where to start with this horrible situation. I have two children of my own and I would never let nobody put their hands on them! I could not stand by to watch this man beat this child! I would of grabbed a baseball bat and knock his head clean off his body. Recently here in Chicago there has been a lot cases of child abuse, for example a fifteen or nineteen month old child had thirteen broken bones. The mother was charged with neglect and put in jail. Then this past week a twenty-three old beat a five year old to death. The mother of the child was stationed in Iraq and also the father.

People should not be afraid to get involved if we notice a child who is being neglected. That is one life you might save one day from a cruel faith. Children are the most beautiful, energetic and carefree human beings. That child did not deserve that horrible beating.
That person would cease to exist.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens all the time. The poor children suffer... The abused parent feels so trapped and confused, they can't even protect their own child(ren).

However, if my husband was doing that to MY child, I'd call the police PERIOD.
I am with you 100%! I can't believe the man killed his own daughter! How sick is that?!?!;news_headline=murder_probe_as_arrested_tycoons_girl_dies
I cant express my anger in words, the only way to answer this questions is to take action!
The talk of courage when you are on the outside of the cocoon; many make that same stand on their beliefs, but we have all pretty much been conditioned by television. That one way street of scenarios and we made comments on pictures then . Where the actors should have, could have and many of us came away with an impression that we were smarter than those characters and the questions. Why, why and why? The mirror to reality had been turned around for us to such a degree that we would often get facts mixed up. Was that an intentional mind stunt to prove a point of how the mind and eyes can be deceived? Maybe.but for whom and for what ultimate deciding purpose in your and my life? Thank You for the open question.
I would call the police and or cps at least get them both involved
I know exactly what I would do:

I would find him. Drive him down to bayous. Cut the tendons in the back of his feet. Handcuff the back of his hands. Put chicken skin in his shirt, and throw him into the dark murky waters.

It wouldn't be long before the 'gators would be feasting on that SOB!
I'd grab my gun and blow off the fu**ers head.
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