i've been single for a really long time now and i was just wondering why you have to be drop dead Georges or someone to look at you with an intention of them dating you why is that? i mean im not ugly i just dont compare to any of my firends....
someone please tell me Ok so how come you have to be pretty to even get someone to even notice you?
Because a person doesn't really know you at first. When you're already in a relationship, your bf/gf starts to like you more for your personality than your looks. But when you try to meet someone for the first time, you have to look good to grab their attention, personality alone won't do the trick.Ok so how come you have to be pretty to even get someone to even notice you?
because most guys/girls are quite shallow. they only care about looks.
one of my 'friends' has a new boyfriend within like a week of breaking up with them. the main reason guys like her is because she is quite pretty and is model skinny.
i don't get that many boyfriends, and i'm not particularly pretty. whereas all my pretty friends have had loads.
you dont have to be i mean i like a pretty girl but if you can just have a confidence about you guys will notice and i mean you say you dont compare to your friends that might just be your opinion and trust me guys probably do notice you but are toooo scared to act on it
You don't have to be super hot you just have to be atleast cute.
No one wants an ugly person. Sometimes you have to look at them for them to notice you. There could be 1000 hot girls around a guy and he may not even notice them unless they make some kind of contact with him.
Help me if I helped you:
think of it this way:
would you pick up a book with a hideous cover, even though it may be really good?
or would you try on the UGLIEST piece of clothing in the store, even though it may look amazing on you?
probably not.
all depends on your age. the older you get, the more important personality is. When you are a teen, looks are all you want because you don't know what you really want in a mate.
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