Monday, August 16, 2010

Do you think people are just pretending when they say they're happy for you? Are we naturally envious?

For example, a friend who's infertile telling you how happy they are that you have say 4 beautiful children. Or even someone congratulating you on getting into an ivy league school while they head to a community college. Do you believe that stuff? Is it genuine? I'm often envious when I see s-one with something I'd love so I'm just curious what you think. ThanksDo you think people are just pretending when they say they're happy for you? Are we naturally envious?
Why wouldn't a friend be happy that you've got all the joys that she wishes she had? That's the definition of friendship, never to begrudge others the happiness that you don't have.

Envy doesn't exist with real friends, and if it does rear it's ugly head, one must squash the feeling and never reveal it. Envy is a natural weakness that happens to everyone, only sophisticated people refuse to show it. That's how we stay civilized and not always give in to our natural impulses.Do you think people are just pretending when they say they're happy for you? Are we naturally envious?
I think you've misunderstood. Envy DOES happen naturally, but I'm saying that polite people pretend that it doesn't. To act any other way is unacceptable. See what I mean?

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l'm not the jealous type of person so when l say something nice, l really mean it.

To others, it's just being polite. lt's considered rude if you say otherwise.
It depends on the person.

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