Monday, August 16, 2010

Should i tell him how i feel even if he thinks hes in love with someone else?

There is a guy I met a few months ago (we'll call him matt) who completely took me off guard. We are very alike in a lot of ways, he says that we're exactly alike, he knows me better than most of the people ive known my whole life. we became very close in a very short time and i began to develope some serious feelings for him. i came very close to telling him in one of our many 2a.m. talks but never could because of a girl he met in October. I am 16 in sep. shes 16 in jan. and hes 17 in sep. He thinks he is entirely in love with this girl but i have strong feelings for him that i'm sure hes figured out. we still talk but ik the girl has a lot of home issues and at times it seems shes using him. they think that they are getting married and moving far away but they have a lot of things that i see will become issues and i have voiced some. i am recently (a day ago) going out with one of his friends but its not the same as my feelings for him.

I know that matt cares about me a lot and worries about me too. he says i deserve better in life and thats when i realize better would be him. call me a love struck confused teenager but i at leaste want him to know. How bad would it be if i told him my feelings about everything strait up?

sarahemail12@yahoo.comShould i tell him how i feel even if he thinks hes in love with someone else?
you're a lovestruck confused teenager. Knowing someone a few months doesn't make him the love of your life. You could tell him how you feel. Why not? What do you think will happen if you tell him? What do you want to happen if you tell him? Don't expect his reaction to be the one you are fantasizing about. He could react in a number of ways. It shouldn't be a problem. Just so long as you don't start getting jealous and causing problems for him. It should be okay though. The two of you are friends.

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