I met this guy at my work and I really want him!!!!! When we first met our talks were normal how do you do kind of conversations but soon they turned into I want to do you kind of conversations!!!! I have a b/f who I love more then anything in the whole world but I'm constantly thinking about this other guy!!!!! I know that a relationship will never work with this guy because he's 30 and I'm 19 but yet I want him in very naughty ways!!!! I know that lust is all that I feel for him and that love is what I feel for my b/f but I can't stop thinking about him and what his 11 years of experience could do to me!!!! I need help on what I should do because I'm always hanging out with this other guy and I have turned down his advances numerous times, because I love my b/f, but yet it's really hard for me and I just want to give in!!!! I feel if I do then I can get him off my mind and go back to a normal relationship with my b/f but I don't want to hurt my b/f. What should I do?Is it bad to lust for someone even though you have a boyfriend you love more than anything?
Sorry to hear your angst ... I'm sure it's very hard and mixed up for you right now.
Bottom line girlfriend ... if you REALLY love your boyfriend, you'll forget about this lust you feel. If you have the desire and feel you cannot accept not experiencing this other guy and getting it out of your system, then you have no other choice but to get out of your current relationship. Otherwise, you're a cheater and a user. You may not even know what could happen if that encounter were to happen, you may lose everything because it just wasn't everything you expected.
Good luck in your choice, whatever it may be!!Is it bad to lust for someone even though you have a boyfriend you love more than anything?
well im not reading all that stuff u wrote but i will say that when im in a relashonship with my man i ALWAYS lust for other females. and i dont think thats wrong - i think its s*xy
Quit your job. Now. If you stay there you will do something you'll regret. Don't go near that man again. And don't tell your boyfriend about this--just knowing how you feel will kill him. Ask yourself this: how would you feel if the situation were reversed? Would you let him have a free romp just so he could get his mind back on you?
It is bad to lust after someone, period. That puts you in situations like that and you end up in trouble. As for your relationships, I can't help with that, sry.
well... if you really ';loved'; your b\f, you won't need \ want another man so badly... think of it...
well, my oppinion is that you don't love your current man if you want someone else. Looks like you can either break up with your current b/f and persue the older guy, or just forget about the older guy and be true to the one you say you love, becuase if you keep going the way you are, something is going to happen and you probably won't like the results.
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