This guy I really liked basically gave me the cold shoulder and now he and I had a fight and tried to make it look like it was MY fault a relationship couldnt work--UM NO!How do you get even with someone who you wanted to date, but blew you off?
talk to him. let him know how you feel. It will really workHow do you get even with someone who you wanted to date, but blew you off?
Tell Him your pissed off. In whatever way you want to and feel is neccassay but please don't do anything violent or childish( like a prank)
The best thing to do is to move on with your life. No good can come out of revenge. You had your fight and you had it out with one another. That should be it; let it be final.
heres a hint find a really cute guy thats really hot and then ask them out for a drink tell them its a revenge plan be honest and see if they will go where the old dude is and drop that hot coal on his head then go back with just some friends and then see if he comes by and then dis him in front of everyone thats cold or take a hotdog smear it with mayo put it in a condom and thenplace in a box and mail it third class so it comes in 3to 5 days soooo its swollen and green thats revenge or just go find someone nice to see untill the hurt goes away time heals all heels
get even? you don't....they did this in the first place because they didn't care about your feelings so what makes you think that whatever you do now is going to make them feel something? move on, forget it, live and learn. success is the best revenge, be happy, that will show him!
dump an cracked egg in his locker
I had a similar problem - a guy I was with suddenly got all cold and awkward and ignored me and it was really hard. The approach I tried was 'I'll get him back by giving himn puppy eyes across the room and trying to make out with him at parties' which really didnt work anymore: failing that, I tried the 'i'll ignore him coz he's a tool approach' which worked, because suddenly he wasnt the centre of my world anymore, and then he ended up wanting me and loking like a complete lame-***!
I think if you put too much effort into getting even, its just the same as liking him, because he still ends up with all the attention, he still ends up being the one wth a huge influence over you. If you act like you're over him and couldnt care less about what he's done to you, he'll realise he has no power over you. You'll come out looking like the bigger person, he'll come out looking petty. And he is petty - I mean, he's pretty immature if he had to lie to make himself look good!
Good luck chicka :D
Get even for what ? Who are you ? No one HAS to date you ! Why would you even want to date someone that didn't want to date you anyway ? You REALLY need to get a grip ! Suck it up THE GREAT YOU got turned down .It won't be the last time . You aint all that .
why get even just go out with someone better and dont backtrack!
Find a better man who will treat you better than that, then show him off around the other guy, but act nonchalont about the fight, like it really didnt bother you.
Get a life.
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