I had a crush 7 years ago with a guy. He too confessed his feelings for me but I rejected him as I was attached at that time and felt that it was wrong. He seduced and raped me thinking that this will make me break up with my bf. (he confessed this to me)
I did not go to the police as I find that i was guilty for not making a stronger stand and was too ashamed to open up this truth to my family. However, I did confess to my bf and he was heart-broken and furious. He decided to try to accept me and put things behind.
Over the past years, he tried his best but this incident has changed him into a totally different person. He started to hit me. I tried my best to make him happy and hope that he will accept me back whole-heartedly.
Things got worst %26amp; he now wants me to get even with the guy who raped me 7 yrs ago. The beatings got worst when I can't come up with a good plan. I tried to persuade him to counselling and he got mad.Please help me come up with a good revenge plan ASAP.How do you get even with someone who had raped you 7 years ago?
You need to break up with your loser boyfriend first of all. Anyone who hits his wife or girlfriend is not worth being with.
No where to hide? And you are going to get a virgin for him? Now you have really gone off the deep end. Maybe the best thing for you is to commit yourself into a hospital as soon as possible.
And to a few of the thoughts about connections with the ';mob';, if your ';boyfriend'; was in the mob, you would not need to be online asking for ideas on how to get revenge. Believe me, the family knows how to deal with just about any situation that needs dealing with. If anything, he is just a psycho that needs to try his luck in the real world and not with some scared girl or in a little, sh** town.How do you get even with someone who had raped you 7 years ago?
The best way to get back at a rapest is to have a Fruitful, Proprest Life, Love it, Live it and be the Best you can be.
Get rid of useless bagage and it will get better.
While eva your thinking of this person they have control
While eva your letting this controling happen your life will be sad.
You need to be strong and control your life you only have one you don't need to waste it on deadbeats.
Good luck the whole world is out there anything is possible...
Your so called boyfriend is a thug and a bully. You must report HIM to the police for assault.
You also need to turn your life around - at the moment you seem attacted to men who treat you badly. Get counselling as soon as you can. This is not a life. You need help.
Please get help ASAP! You have been traumatized and he's no good if he is hurting you. Your comments about ';finding him a virgin'; show that you need help.
I suggest talking to a doctor or someone at your local church. Confide in them your fears and concerns. You will need to leave this small town; however, there are places in this world that are better for you in the long run.
Don't let fear rule your life. May prayers are with you.
You need another b/f.
Revenge? I'm sorry, but any revenge is just wrong. I'm sure you know this too. Clearly, your boyfriend is the problem if he beats you and can't respect you.
Kill that SOB, and for your boyfriend if he really cared for you he wouldn't dare hit you
i know what you are going through i was raped by my cousin
first have the rapist arrested 2nd leave the abusive boy friend and seek counseling some where hope this helps u
Break up with your bf for a start. Its not your rapists fault your bf hits you, its your bfs.
Revenge is pety, you should have gone to the police and you didnt, now you have to live with it. drop your bf it will just get worse
edit: get a virgin for him? LOL woman are crazy but no one is this stupid, this is obviously fake
911, you should probably seek professional help as well. Never be in an abusive relationship, I dont care how much you ';love'; this guy. Screw both those guys
Are you married to the mob or something? Pack your stuff and leave, that's why theres a thing called law enforcement. Use it!
You are the one that needs professional counseling on how to deal with your rape. And you need to dump this as*hole you call your boyfriend, for hitting you because YOU were raped. How dare he... and please...don't even tell me that you love this looser... NO MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO PUT HIS HANDS ON A WOMAN.....that does NOT translate to love sweetie... he DOES not respect you or love you. You needs to be strong and confident, and take this matter into your own hands and get yourself help... f*ck him.
if you're not married to the guy,
1st get even
2nd leave the bastard that's been beatin the life out of u
3rd find someone better, you said he changed...for the worse
Under no excuse can a guy beat a girl up, not even if she got raped.... it's not your fault for bein not strong enough
The way your boyfriend treats you is wrong. I suggest you break up with him because he will not stop beating you if he doesn't get counselling. Find someone who can or will understand you and accept you as you are. There are guys out there who we can call MEN ENOUGH.
Getting even with the man who seduced and raped you? I suggest you talk to him and let him ask an apology to your parents/family, or at least to your boyfriend (if you don't want to break up and continue getting beaten). He will do that if he's sincere with his apology to you. Forgive him if he does. To sue him won't work. It's only going to spark more problems and you won't win because you don't have any physical evidence.
no matter what you did it's not an excuse for him to hit you.....my advise leave them both
The first thing you do is tell the police about the beatings your guy is giving you. Then you leave him straight away. He's not beating you because you got raped. He's beating you because he's a coward. Then you talk to a councillor about the rape and get there advice on what to do. Let your parents know as well. As for getting even, see what the councillor and police say.
Firstly--I'm sorry to hear about your situations. Secondly--ANY man that rapes or beats a lady is a miserable coward. Forget the rape as best you can and definitely forget the loser coward b/f. Move on with your life and seek your own counsiling if you think you need it. You don't need some jerk beating on you because of something that happened 7 yrs ago--especially when what happened wasn't even your fualt.
I am sorry to hear such a tragedy has happened to you. But think about this, if you get a revenge now, do you think your life with your guy will improve? Will he still love you even more than before? In the end, you will get mental breakdown. As for the rapist, please sue him. Let the police handle your case. Please don't do anything foolish.
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