He lied to you, would lie again. So direct your revenge at him, not the unassuming girl. Find a friend of a friend who's single and available, get her to seduce your ex at a party, then have your friend's secretary to see it! simple, but effective in showing her what a moron he is, and teaching him a lesson too. You shouldn't be at a party, so that it doesn't come back to you.
Essentially you aren't hurting anyone, cos the guy would have a chance to go for the girl or nor. if he does, he'll have to suffer the consequences.How can I get even with someone who hurt me?
You don't need to get even. I know he hurt you really bad, and he is a total jerk, but the best revenge is for you to leave him alone totally. Don't stalk him or her. Don't try to find out things about him. Work on yourself and create a life for yourself and date other guys. You will only be acting on his level if you do things to get revenge on him. Move on.
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