Monday, August 16, 2010

Am I a player if I accept money from someone even though I tell him he doesn't have 2 give it to me?

I dated this guy who i really liked even if he didnt have money he's kind an animal lover thoughtful a lil geeky in a good way, unique affectionate....he would give me money but i would tell him no u dont have to that...and kept pushin it on me so i did start takin it since he wouldnt let me give it back I tried to show him im not with him for that by offering to do favors for him...he was used a lot in the past and out of the blue he's acting funny...he did gamble away some money and when he has none he acts like we cant do any he's dumped me saying im a player!!!! im pissed i dont use people im a strong believer in karma...I' m really hurt...and he has the nerve to keep callin me sayin well maybe we should take the time to get to know each other 1 minute he wants me the next minute he dont or he's not sure%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;How can i show him im different Wat more can i do or should i move on?Am I a player if I accept money from someone even though I tell him he doesn't have 2 give it to me?

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